Take a tenth bonus drink if the protagonist has all of these characteristics, and is also kind of whiny.ġ9. Take a ninth bonus drink if the protagonist and author are male, white, straight, middle-aged, American, atheistic, liberal, and unfunny. Take an extra drink for each characteristic listed in 10-17 if the author and protagonist are male, white, straight, middle-aged, American, atheistic, liberal, or unfunny. The protagonist has the same sense of humor as the author.ġ8. The protagonist has the same politics as the author.ġ7. The protagonist has the same religion as the author.ġ6. The protagonist is the same nationality as the author.ġ5. The protagonist is the same age as the author.ġ4. The protagonist has the same sexuality as the author.ġ3. The protagonist is the same race as the author.ġ2.
The protagonist is the same gender as the author.ġ1. The characters make obviously good or obviously bad moral decisions.ġ0. The setting demands that characters make hard moral decisions.ĩ. Each chapter is told in a different person’s perspective, up to but not exceeding four individuals.Ĩ.
The story is written in the first person.Ħ. For each novel, each participant takes one drink (or more, if stipulated) whenever one of the following conditions holds:ģ. Each participant, starting with the youngest, names a novel published after 1980.